
What are the estimates for shipping times?

We offer free shipping on all orders large and small delivering within the contiguous United States. Orders to Canada, Alaska, and Hawaii will have shipping charges added. Most orders ship by either FedEx or UPS ground. Larger orders ship by truck freight (LTL)

Transit time is 1-5 days depending on the distance from our facility in St. Petersburg, Florida.  For example, all points in FL and parts of the southeast USA is 1 day, NY is 3 days, CA is 5 days.

What is the lead time?

The production lead time for wood shelves is 10 working days. We also have ready to ship shelves.

Once an order is placed, it will go into production the next business day and ship in 10 working days. Working days are every day except Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.

Customizations such as LED channel or V-Groove may add 1-3 working days.

Do you ship to Canada?

Yes, we ship orders to Canada.

Please read carefully.

We offer free shipping on orders within the contiguous United States. Shipping to Canada costs a bit more, that amount will be automatically added to your order at checkout. The shipping charge includes the customs brokerage fee charged by FedEx International Ground. It does not include any of the taxes that will be collected by the Canadian government.

The Canadian government will assess a tax at the border and bill you separately. The added taxes are 100% your responsibility.

Our shelves are made in USA using 100% material of USA origin except for the teak, bamboo, and African mahogany materials are from mixed sources both foreign and domestic. We provide USMCA/T-MEC/CUSMA certificate of origin with all export shipments